The router supports multiple functions for the wireless interface: several security standards (WEP, WPA/WPA2), MAC address filtering,WPS, WMM.In addition, the device is equipped with a button for switching the Wi-Fi network off/on. Support of guest Wi-Fi network allows you to create a separate wireless network with individual security settings and maximum rate limitation. Devices connected to the guest network will be able to access the Internet, but will be isolated from the devices and resources of the router’s LAN.Smart adjustment of Wi-Fi clients is useful for networks based on several D-Link access points or routers – when the smart adjustment function is configured on each of them, a client always connects to the access point (router) with the highest signal level. The built-in 4-port switch enables you to connect Ethernet-enabled computers, game consoles, and other devices to your network. The wireless router DIR-615includes a built-in firewall.
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